This initiative, funded by commitments from both traditional and new donors, will bring solid and proven solutions faster where they are most needed in low income developing nations 这个由传统的和新的捐助国的承诺资助的举措,将在低收入发展中国家最需要它们的领域中更快地产生可靠的和行之有效的解决方法
SMO is funded through the annual contributions it receives from its members, through sales revenue from its publications and through the income from projects commissioned by both the public and private sector. 它的资金来源于会员的年度捐赠、出版物的销售和公有私有企业的项目收入。
Fully funded system is neutral because this pension system does not change an individual's disposable income in his career. 由于完全基金方式的年金制度不改变个人的生涯可支配收入,因此具有中性。